Friday, January 27, 2017

3 Ways To Make Money With Your Blog, By Monetizing With Adsense And More |

3 Ways To Monetize Your Blog To Earn Money


So you created a blog, posted articles, they became famous and getting a lot of traffic. What's next?
Next, comes the exciting part, Monetizing your blog!

This way you can do both, follow your passion and earn some money.

There are lots of websites and company's willing to pay you for showing their ads on your website/blog, but it's hard to choose which one is better for. Below I will post ways to monetize your blog and make money from your traffic.

1. Monetize With Adsense
Google Adsense is one of the most famous, and trusted way to monetize your blog or website.
If you created your blog on Blogspot, then you will have an option, to monetize your blog easily.
All you have to do is sign up for Google Adsense, and send your application. Google Adsense team will review your website and if your blog meets google adsen's requirement, you will be able to monetize your blog. If your not on blogspot, you can still use google Adsense. Adsense will give you a HTML code, so you have to inject it on your website. Then google will be able to confirm your blog identity.
But wait, it's not that easy to get Google Adsense approval, there are requirements to get Google Adsense's approval. But first let me discuss what is the reason google rejects bloggers.

Common Adsense Rejection Reasons And How To Fix Them

1. Insufficient Content
 You can't just create a blog and post an article and then earn money with it. It's necessary to have enough contents, and they should have unique content.

In order to get Adsense's approval, it's necessary to have great amount of content and it should be unique. (When I say great amount of content/article, I don't mean to be more than 100 posts. But at least higher than 3 posts)

2.  Your Web Design
If your page have a bad design, people will not come back to your site. Which means you will lose traffic, in order to be eligible for Google Adsense, you need enough traffic so people watch google Adsense's ads and you get paid.

So if you don't want to get rejected, you have fix your web design. If you can't create a professional web page, then create a simple one. If your web page is simple and clean, people will not get confused in surfing your web page.

3. No Privacy Policy, About Us or Contact Us Page
Adsense is very though about scammers, in order to confirm you are offering legit services, you have create Contact Us page.
If your blog is a personal blog or about some topic to discuss, then it's not necessary to create those pages.

Things you have to do to fix it:
Simply create About us page and, put in informations about your services. Create a Contact Us page and put in your contact informations (like your location, your facebook account, your email address and etc) so your fans can reach out to you.

4. Site Does Not Comply With Google Adsense Polices

If your site doesn't have unique or original content, if pictures on your posts are not original, if your blog traffic comes from illegal ways or you have bad grammar, your site will be rejected.

How to fix:
You need to read . And fix the problems your having and are listed in this post.
Read Google Adsense's Privacy And Policies And Rules.

2. Use Affiliate Links In Your Posts
Here is how it works:
  • An advertiser gives you a link or text to you and pays you for posting the links on forums, social platforms like facebook, communities or anywhere you can post online.
  • When someone clicks on your link and visits the landing page of the link, you get paid

You can use URL shortening sites to shorten links and post it on your website, when someone visits your link you will be paid. One of the highest paying Shortening services is

3.  Referral Links
Here is how this one works:
  • You go to for example, you sign up and get your referral link.
  • You post your referral link on your website, your visitors clicks on them and signs up.
  • You will be either paid or you will share their earnings with you.
Note: some websites Pay You, if your referrals signs up, only.

And that is the 3 ways to monetize your blog.
 if you liked the post please share. And if you have any opinions or know any other ways to monetize your blog, don't hesitate to post in comments section.

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